My Book is Finished

Book Title-Never Ceasing: God's Faithfulness in Grief

My book, Never Ceasing: God’s Faithfulness in Grief, is now available for purchase.

I began writing in early 2016 just after Hans left us for Heaven and started publishing this blog in September of that year. Just about five years later (almost to the day) my book is now ready to share in print (and eBook) form.

Most of the book consists of revised posts from this blog with new/never published material added at the beginning and end of the book. I hope to share some excerpts in the coming weeks and am looking forward to your feedback.

I didn’t plan it this way but the cover photo (one of my favorites, taken by Hans not far from our home) captures a day in September just like today. How fitting that the timing of that photo coincides with the publication day of my book – maybe even the same day. Thanks Hans!

I would like to thank the readers of this blog for their encouragement along the way and to our Lord Jesus for His comfort and care. I pray this book might be a help to someone in need.

Because knowing Jesus is everything.

15 thoughts on “My Book is Finished

  1. Hi Kim, I am so proud of you for having written your book for bereaved parents. I know that it is truth filled and God honoring and it will bless all who read it. Thank you for your willingness and vulnerability in sharing your story. Hans was a very blessed young man to have had you as his mother.

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  2. Congratulations Kim! Sharing our joy is relatively easy. Sharing our sorrow and pain is not easy, but when it leads to comforting and strengthening the faith of others, because of our living hope in Jesus, that is a special gift that you bring to others. And it takes someone who has been there, in that valley, to bring that lifting about. That’s a special kind of sharing. May God truly bless your labour of love to His glory. Well done. God’s continued grace, peace and blessings to you and yours as always. Love in Christ – Bruce

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    Congratulations Kim. I’m so proud of you for sharing this with so many who experience similar situations in their lives. God always has a purpose for the things we endure. Giving your story away certainly is a way to share Gods love for all mankind. I look forward to reading it❤️❤️

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